Clima-Med: A new EU project for climate action in South Mediterranean


The EU has just launched a new project in the Southern Neighbourhood to support the transition of partner countries towards sustainable, low-carbon and climate-resilient development.
The overall objective is to enhance energy security and adaptive capacity of partner countries and subsequently contribute to more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic contexts, while increasing energy sovereignty and reducing CO2 emissions.
The countries covered include Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. The 48-month long project, entitled ‘Clima-Med, Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean’ will focus on:
Supporting sustainable energy policies and strategies both at national and local level.
Providing technical assistance to support the formulation and implementation of local Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAPs), which will be in line with the Covenant of Mayors principles and will lead to defining concrete actions implemented by local authorities in the Southern Neighbourhood.
Climate finance will be the third key component of the project’s actions, as it will facilitate investments and help beneficiaries better access finance mechanisms leading to the implementation of concrete and sustainable actions at national and local levels.
Along the project’s operations, climate change governance and mainstreaming climate action will be improved, as Southern Neighbourhood partners will be supported in their quest to implement and regularly update Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), to develop adaptation and mitigation plans (integrated to long-term Low Emission Development Strategies) and enhance capacities in the field of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), in collaboration with relevant government bodies and in consultation with regional, national and subnational stakeholders.
Clima-Med is an EU-funded project implemented by a consortium led by Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG.

*A text from the ‘Covenant of Mayors’



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